In my research, I referenced science fiction illustrations from the 1970's, as well as vintage film and novel covers. I was also influenced by surrealist works, particularly those of René Magritte.

In my research, I referenced science fiction illustrations from the 1970's, as well as vintage film and novel covers. I was also influenced by surrealist works, particularly those of René Magritte.

I analyzed the forms in my reference images and isolated ones that could become letterforms, sketching and then vectorizing the shapes to get a sense of a starting point. From the beginning, I had a preference for forms with an organic element.

I analyzed the forms in my reference images and isolated ones that could become letterforms, sketching and then vectorizing the shapes to get a sense of a starting point. From the beginning, I had a preference for forms with an organic element.

I settled on one basic shape—the curved counter of a "0"—from which I felt I could build out the rest of the typeface.